Author Archives: Rine Vieth

Rine (they/them) is a researcher, educator, analyst, artist, and all-around curious person interested in law, governance, gender and religion. They are also beginning new research projects on 1) anti-gender mobilization and 2) knowledge infrastructures in asylum systems. Rine (iel + accords masculins) est chercheur, éducateur, artiste, analyste et curieux qui s'intéresse au droit, à la gouvernance, à la genre et à la religion. Iel commence également de nouveaux projets sur 1) la mobilisation anti-genre, et 2) les infrastructures de connaissance dans les systèmes d'asile.
Panel 6: There are two panels, with text around both. On the left, it reads / Il y a deux panneaux, avec du texte autour des deux. À gauche, on peut lire : "Disability justice organizer Mia Mingus reminds us that political refusals cost disabled lives." Inside the square is a skeleton in brown ground, with some grass. A l'intérieur du panneau se trouve un squelette dans un sol brun, avec un peu d'herbe. Inside the right panel, the text reads / À l'intérieur du panneau droit, le texte dit : "We will not trade disabled deaths for abled life. We will not allow disabled people to be disposable or the necessary collateral damage for the status quo." "Nous n'échangerons pas les décès d'handicapés contre une vie valide." The right panel has a drawing of an IV hanger. Le panneau de droite présente le dessin d'un support de perfusion.

Is it Going to Be Okay? / Est-ce que ça va aller?

This is is a multilingual comic that serves as a meditation on the infrastructures of COVID-19, care, and time. In the spirit of the multilingual spaces I inhabit in Tio’tia:ke/Mooninyaang/Montréal, I have chosen to write bilingually—a process that can be messy, but that speaks to my experiences of COVID-19 locally as I am thinking of COVID-19 globally. (read more...)

A top-down perspective of a doctor's office, with someone on the bed, and two people (doctors) observing. One doctor says, "Well, nothing seems to be wrong. Come back when you're vomiting." The comic text below states: After tests, appointments, calls...

Monstrous Matter, Out of Place

The following is an autoethnographic comic about my experiences re-understanding a new diagnosis through revisiting Mary Douglas’s Purity and Danger. (And yes, the final panel is from a conversation I did have with a grad student colleague and dear friend.) (read more...)