Questioning the Market: How Does the South Korean “Camming” (Beot-bang) Market Grow?
With the development of digital technologies, online spaces have transformed many aspects of individuals’ lives by creating infrastructures that allow various actors to freely access these spaces anytime, anywhere. The realm of sexual desire and transactions has also expanded and transformed through the mediation of digital technologies. Sanders et al. (2018) propose categorizing various aspects of these sexual transactions as “internet-based sex work,” distinguishing between the use of the internet to promote or mediate sexual services as direct sex work, and sexual activity that occurs online or in a virtual environment as indirect sex work (Sanders et al., 2018: 15). This type of sexual work, known in English as “webcamming” or “camming,” is a typical form of indirect sex work, where sexual services are traded via digital devices without physical contact. The platforms that mediate this work are considered the new marketplaces for sexual transactions (Jones, 2020: 3; Henry and Farvid, 2017: 119). (read more...)